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Respite Care

Respite Care Helps Primary
Caregivers Recharge so they
can better assist their loved ones.

Caregiving is not easy.
Caregiving can end up being quite a stressful responsibility for those managing someone near their end of life stages. Primary caregivers work around the clock in assisting their loved ones with many challenging tasks, day and night.

Overtime, consisted lack of sleep and daily care can result in greater emotional distress and physical exhaustion. Reports show that persons under such stress results in poor performance. Therefore, Comfort Hospice & Palliative Care works closely with caregivers to give them the needed break they need. We provide up to five consecutive days of in patient care at one of our facilities while the caregivers take time off. Doing so ensures not only a better experience for the patient and family, but also improved and consistent care for the patient.

It is important to note that expenses for respite care are included and covered by Medicare Part A hospice benefit.