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What is Hospice & Palliative Care?

Quality care for you and your family

As a family member who cares for a terminally-ill patient, preparing for the end of life of a patient can be a difficult task. Comfort Hospice & Palliative Care ensures a full encompassing support system to care for patients with life-limiting illness.

Our expertly trained staff works around the clock with family caregivers and clinicians in assisting through this transitionary process. In addition to hospice care, Comfort also provides palliative care to ease the pain for the patient and alleviate ongoing symptoms.

Helpful questions to guide you through the hospice process

Hospice is a method to care and treat people who are terminally ill by utilizing paint relief and symptom management.

When the patient can no longer receive curative care, it may be time to consider using hospice. Usually a physician will determine the life expectancy of the patient. If they conclude an expectancy of six months or less, calling a hospice may help in adding comfort and solace.

A free hospice evaluation is provided upon request. At times, a physician or clinician may refer in addition to other options so that family can decide the best path moving forward.

The hospice will schedule a time to sit and discuss with the family, providing an overview of the care options and answering any questions. An admissions nurse will review the patients diagnosis and evaluate the patient, in addition to answering any questions from family members. A treatment plan is then prepared and presented to the family.

If the family decides to proceed with hospice care, the required admission paperwork is provided for review and once signed, the hospice staff begins to schedule visits and start the treatment.

Hospice care is fully covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most major private insurances. There are no out of pocket expenses when qualified within programs. For those who are ineligible to receive medicaid or do not have private insurance, there are many assistance programs to cover costs.

Please call the Comfort Financial Staff to help answer any financial related concerns at 818-296-8586

The hospice nurse will work with the family and patient in deterring the level of treatment required, and will create a schedule that works. This will determine how often staff members will visit, and how the duration of each visit.

Nearly everything is managed and provided from the hospice team. This includes equipment, such as beds and shower seats, in addition to all medication required for symptom relief, which is delivered directly to where the patient lives. All that is required from the family is to work closely with the team in informing on updates about the patients health info, and activities. As the family will generally be the primary care givers, it is important that they work closely with the hospice staff as a team.

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