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What is Hospice & Palliative Care?

Quality care for you and your family

As a family member who cares for a terminally-ill patient, preparing for the end of life of a patient can be a difficult task. Comfort Hospice & Palliative Care ensures a full encompassing support system to care for patients with life-limiting illness.

Our expertly trained staff works around the clock with family caregivers and clinicians in assisting through this transitionary process. In addition to hospice care, Comfort also provides palliative care to ease the pain for the patient and alleviate ongoing symptoms.

Knowing when its best to consider hospice care can be of great benefit to the patient and their family.

The following questions may help guide you in understanding if hospice care is appropriate:

Does the patient have any of the following life-limiting diseases?

The following are common conditions associated with hospice care:

  • Cancer
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Alzheimers
  • Respiratory Illness
  • Stroke

Many other conditions are also common, please contact us to find out if hospice care is the right plan for you.

In addition, observing if the patient is demonstrating any signs of deterioration is also helpful. Signs include body weight loss, excessive hospitalization or emergency room visits, decline in physical activity and/or mental alertness.

Lastly, speaking with the patient to understand what they have requested can be helpful. In the case of access to supporting documents, such as a living will, the patient may have made it clear their desires to either receive interventions not. The hospice staff work with the patient to devise a plan to honor the patient’s wishes and desires, while improving the quality of time that remains.